There are incredible opportunities in information technology and innovation such that we can't exhaust them all
Gideon Ochieng
Executive Director, Nairobi Leadership Foundation








Transition to
Startup phase



How easily potential adopters can explore your innovative idea describes. Before committing to your innovation, users want to give a brief look at what your innovation can do and want to give it a test run. Every adopter wants to see for themselves what and how life might be if they adopt the product. Every designer needs to make the product available to potential adopters for trials.


You should be prepared to control the expected situation in addressing the concepts related to innovations. You should make lists of typical characteristics of innovation. You must ask the following questions while releasing your innovation.

  • What conditions are needed to advance your innovation (like access to high-speed Internet)?
  • What technologies are required to agree with your characteristics of innovation?
  • What elements are there that you can control and make improvements in?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • What are your competitors marketing criteria? And what marketing is beneficial for the success of your innovation?

The potential audience needs to see how your innovation improves from previous generation products according to their current situation. A simple example of innovation is typewriters being replaced by computer word-processing programs. The relative advantage was obvious; these word programs didn’t require any extra physical other than a personal computer.


The purpose of innovation is to create business value. Value can be defined in many ways, such as incremental improvements to existing products, the creation of entirely new products and services, or reducing cost.

What is an example of value innovation? Zoom is a successful value innovation business that has made high-quality, reliable video conferencing easy. Users love Zoom for the simplicity of setup, use, relatively low cost, and quality of the calls.

Entrepreneurs need an edge to survive and stand out. Innovative value creation and proposition can provide that edge—boosting your productivity, growth and profitability.


Obviously, complexity slows down your progress; the complex innovation is more difficult for potential users to incorporate into their lives. Adopters do not invest much time in learning to use an innovation. The more instinctive your innovation would be, the more surely it will be adopted. The designers of the product must keep in mind the main focus of Simplicity.


Improved sales and customer relationships. Failing to improve your products and services can put you at risk of losing customers to more innovative competitors.

Reduced waste and costs. Innovation can help reduce waste in business and leave you better positioned to focus on the long-term goals, rather than always putting out fires.

Boosting your market position. Innovation can help you anticipate market changes more quickly and get ahead of opportunities. It can also help you differentiate yourself from the competition.

Improving employee relations. An innovative workplace is stimulating for employees. Cultivating pride in your products and a desire to be an industry leader should boost productivity.

Key Performance Indicators

Investing in technology is one of the fastest ways to drive growth, trim costs, and boost productivity. We strive to discover, nature and release technological ideas from the urban slum settlements and grow them into the enterprises of tomorrow.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring incubator success include number of patents granted, selection criteria for incubatees, corporate linkage, and nature of functioning of the technology business incubator (TBI). We strive to be the best in harnessing technology solutions at the last mile.

Survival Rate
Second Funding
Profitability in the first 3 years

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